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Manufacturing Facilities

Lab Regenic
Lab Regenic
Lab Regenic

Manufacturing facilities located in Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur, We are clinical stage biopharmaceutical manufacturing facility, the first in Indonesia with cGMP compliant from Indonesian FDA (BPOM) to manufacture stem cells and their metabolites product.

Our manufacturing facility consists of three Grade B cleanrooms which are supported by Grade C and D areas. The facilities is designed with validated HEPA system and Air Handling Units (AHU). All processes are conducted under strict quality management system to ensure cellq uality product meet quality standard. All personel are undergoing periodic assessment to ensure they are certified and qualified according to GMP standard

Products & Services

Stem Cell Metabolites

UCMSC Secretome Refers to the collection of bioactive molecules, including growth factors, cytokines, chemokines, extracellular vesicles, and other signaling factors, released by mesenchymal stem cell. Our Secretome is produced from Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell. Various component within secretome have diverse function such as tissue repair and regeneration, immunomodulation and suppress inflammation. We have conducted toxicity studies and case studies with secretome for degenerative disease. The production process is conducted in GMP certified clean room

Stem Cell Metabolites

Cell Therapy

Cell therapy involves the use of cells, such as stem cells or other specialized cells to treat disease or medical conditions; for the purpose to replace or repair damaged or injured tissues and cells. Based on its cell source, cell therapy can be categorized autologous and allogeneic. In Autologous cell, sources of stem cells are harvested from the patient's own body and then reintroduced back into the same patient's body for therapeutic purposes. In allogeneic cell therapy, sources of stem cells obtained from a donor.

Cell Therapy
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